4 thoughts on “Bisexual Threesome

  1. Alas, the straight male ego is a fragile thing, and the straight male sense of a defined sexuality is even more precarious…

    Here’s my guess: if a two men, one woman threesome with no connection between the men comes about, then the only “linking” factor is the woman, and therefore both of the men are there for mainly her pleasure. Since the couple in this situation were already a couple and therefore had a regular and ongoing connection, having you there and you only really being able to connect sexually with her in essence made her boyfriend redundant. As a result, seeing her take great pleasure in what you were doing would have undermined his feeling of security in the whole situation.

    Having been in several threesomes before myself, including a number where my partner (in one case, a woman) was fine to get together with others, but felt totally insecure if I got together with someone else, or even took a slight bit of pleasure in what someone else might have done, this sounds very reminiscent of that. In my case, the girlfriend said “Sorry, we have to leave right now” and took me away with her. In your case, it sounds like the guy just checked out…alas, further typical noncommunicative straight guy behavior, alas.

    Well, sorry to hear it went that way. All too often, people who think they’re mature enough to have multiple partners or multi-person sexual encounters really aren’t, and it isn’t until things like this happen that they realize they’re not really cut out for the business…

  2. Dr. Phil,

    Thanks for your comments mate – I haven’t spoken to anyone about this since it happened a few weeks ago.

    The male half was pretty tired and a little drunk so maybe he just wanted to go home and I’m reading way too much into it.


  3. It’s very possible…

    And yet, even the most inconsiderate tired drunk folks would usually say “Sorry, I’m tired, heading away, no big deal,” at least in my experience. Not saying a word seems a bit suspicious…And not saying a word AND leaving the house without his girlfriend (as opposed to just waiting in the next room or what have you) seems even more suspicious…

    In any case, it’s all a bit strange…Even for a drunken threesome.

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