Just a quick post before I walk down the beach and grab some lunch (fresh bread and prawns). It is low tide which makes the walk quicker. Funny how when I was in Breckenridge with Kip we followed the daily weather religiously, now that I’m on the beach again, I follow the tides religiously.
This time of year things are super quiet so I’m not expecting any eye candy on the walk down and I’m really not expecting any speedo eye candy.
I wish I saw some guys riding bikes in speedos – that would be hot!!!
OK guys, I gotta roll. Might hit up the pool this afternoon although I don’t think Alex can make it.
I remember a few years ago seeing a guy on a bike wearing speedos, and they were brief with lace up sides and he looked HOT, but sadly I have not seen any since.
only guys in a triathlon riding bikes in races. I personally have never tried it. perhaps if I was to ride to my local pool on a very hot day.