Yo guys – I just got in from a big night out at the local pub (there is only one).
Will has been working hard and he is fast asleep in bed.
I’m horny in a down-graded-drunk kind of way. I’m tossing up (literally) between going up to th ehot tub and wacking off the fresh air or just wacking off in bed with Will sound asleep next to me….
It is a tough call I know.
I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow.
in bed with Will next to you would be hot… maybe reach over ring his alarm and have some fun…
Hey Dave,
GREAT SITE! I no this is kind of unrelated but, how did you remove the wordpress footer?
can you help?
Hi Dave
be great to have alink for GAY SKI WEEK NZ in QUEENStown
i read your blog we can do with all the help to grow this event
you must have heard of GAY SKI WEEK NZ? its our 5th year
I most definitely have heard of Gay Ski Week in Queenstown. I’m really looking forward to being in town for it this year.
If there is anything else I can do to help you out let me know mate.
I love pink speedos and recently did a feature on guys in pink – and I credited speedoGuy for some of the photographs!
It’s good to see a link back in your blogroll – thanks.
Best wishes.
thanks for the link
can you email your email so i can keep you up to date
cant wait this year the BIG one