4 thoughts on “Beach time?

  1. Curacao!
    That’s in the southern Caribbean, jus off the coast of Venezuela, next to Aruba.
    Speedo weather all day, if you want to I can take some random beach pictures for you.
    We have good connections to Europe (Holland) and the US.
    Good communications and a gay friendly environment.
    Think about it.


  2. How’s your Portugese? Brazil would be interesting…they’re not only Speedo-friendly, they’re feckin’ thongs-in-public-on-straight-guys friendly! 😉

    In any case, I envy you. The last rays of summer are fading here in western Washington, and the coldest winter on record is on its way, so they say.

    I’m in my AussieBum Breathes right now, though, wishing for better weather…and in absence of that, someone to stay in from the cold with.

  3. Jeez, i wish i was in your position!

    I would definitely go to spain! Barcelona or San sebastian. Beautiful country, hot people, great food and little clothing hahaha

  4. Dude. Cum to Sydney, Gold Coast or Perth. My pick is Perth if I had any say in the matter 🙂

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