4 thoughts on “Back to the pool

  1. Definitely looks cock down to me, I have a pair of these speedos and always do the same. They are my favourite, even more so than the black adidas

  2. Yes, I agree–he’s definitely down. (If he were up, you’d be able to tell more…)

    Those are really nice Adidas…I only have the black. 🙁

    I’m glad to hear you weren’t in SpeedoVerbotenLand at the pool there, Dave! (And I love your pun “austracized”–this is probably one of the only areas in which Aussies would be discriminated against anywhere else, alas…) It is San Fran, though, so of course something that makes guys look hotter would be acceptable and en vogue…Rural Virginia, though?–probably not. They probably still require Queen Victoria full body suits for swimming in those places…

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