3 thoughts on “Babeland Sex Toys

  1. I’ll be very interested in hearing how you get on with that when it comes! I’ve been looking at other fleshlight designs on the internet, and the disembodied mouth ones don’t really do much for me, nor do the miniaturized full-on asses. Surely all that’s necessary is the arse-hole itself? Hmm…

    There is a Toys in Babeland in Seattle, right next to a place I actually go quite frequently, but I have yet to go in. I’ll happily go into other sex shops, but I usually do so with an intent to purchase something (i.e. with money in my hand, as it were), and that hasn’t been possible lately, alas.

  2. Dave-Im new to this site and I’ve looked through it all and can’t find any pictures of you at all. Shy are you mate?Derrick

  3. Derrick,

    I trust you are enjoying the site mate.

    No pics of me on here yet – I’m not ‘out’ to a lot of my friends (and pretty much all of my family). I did promise Wendy that I’d do a HNT (half nekkid Thursday) pic this week so you guys might get a glimpse.


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