6 thoughts on “AussieBum Underwear

  1. Cute guy aside, barely, the underwear he has on is still one of my very favorite. The “breathe” line fits well, looks awesome and I still own one of every color. My wife loves them! Especially untying them. 🙂

  2. That guy is far more adorable than I am in that same pair (though they’re one of my favorites)…But still, hurrah for AussieBum! (Not only more of that clothing line is on my list of things to get, but also an actual Aussie’s bum…someday, I hope!)

  3. John,

    I have several pairs of AussieBums with the ‘wonderjock’ technology.

    Although they look great I find that I can only wear them for short periods of time before my nuts start going numb.

    Perhaps it is a sign that I wear speedos too much.


  4. Dave,

    Have not experienced this. One of the reasons I like the superjock swimmers so much is that not only do they look good they give me a great feeling of confidence – not sure why that is!

    And Dave I love this site.


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