8 thoughts on “AussieBum Speedo Order

  1. Hey dude.
    ive been reading your blog on and off for a while.
    well, im half way across the globe- in singapore.
    but im about to spend a year in vancouver, canada come aug.

    considering u been to bc,
    u mind sharing places thats awesome to pop by while im there?

    oh btw, im 22 currently in college doing a double major.
    but more importantly, i love swimming, and love speedos even more:)

  2. Mik,

    I’ll probably be back that way in 6 months time mate – drop me an email and keep in touch. A speedo boy in Vancouver would be good to know….


  3. i’d like to see what under the speedo’s they are packing a good bulge

  4. Hi Dave,

    Good to hear you have got great accomodation. Wish I was
    as lucky as you. Looking forward to those pics of you in
    your new AUSSIEBUMS. I’m particularly interested in the
    WONDERJOCK. Do tell how they test drive as I’m thinking
    of getting a pair.
    Things haven’t been the best for me at the moment
    as pain levels have got to the state where I may have
    to resign from my job. If so I will be paid out and wouldn’t
    mind a trip to NEW ZEALAND to ease the depression.
    Be great to meet you for a coffee or more!
    Keep up the good work on this site. Hey are you
    going to complete the “letter game” or start over?
    Maybe I can submit new ideas for that hot tub you
    mentioned. I tried out my first hot tub this year and
    have one every week now. There’s nothing like laying
    back in your speedos , letting the jets flow over you!

  5. Hello Dave,

    I absolutely adore your site. It’s got hot pics and good reading. I’ve been up and down it already.

    Those speedo-guys are crazy hot in your recent pics. Can’t wait to see them on you.

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