Summer is heating up in Australia just as things are getting colder here in the Northern Hemisphere. I awoke this morning to an empty bed, I did go to bed with someone, I think her name starts with C but that is about all I can remember. Looking out my window, there was a dusting of white stuff on the ground, the first since I arrived here nearly a month ago now.
However, today in Queensland, a friend of mine posted on Facebook that it was 39C in Brisbane/Gold Coast today – holy smokes that is hot, perfect speedo weather, nearly compulsory speedo weather.
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Sometime over the weekend I was looking for some Australian speedos – the best ones I found were a waterpolo speedo made by Turbo (pictured below). I thought I might buy a couple of them for Kip and myself since I’ll be spending Australia Day here in America. It is a Saturday this year which is perfect and I’m sure we’ll have some kind of compulsory speedo event at Kip’s place/hottub.
Anyone got any better ideas for an Aussie speedo?
Seriously, it’s been 70 – 80 degrees in Dallas the past week—about 20 degrees above normal. No need to head back “Down Under”.
I love Speedos, but especially those made in Australia. I think they fit better than the US make. Specifically, i think they notch down a bit in the front to make a sexier fit.
I was thinking today that I need to set up a challenge to everyone, on who has the largest collection. I’m about to set out on my pool deck a collection of, well I think it’s numbers over a hundred.
Any challengers? Or any swap buddies? Or, Dave, care to come to Dallas to sample?
Tommy They now have red!
100% nylon!
I’ve seen that “Engine” logo but I never knew what it was about.
A shame their speedos look a little too wide in the hips otherwise I’d buy a pair for sure.
Hey Dave,
you hear about the swimwear charity run down at Martin Place in the Sydney CBD today, would be great if you could upload a few shots if you get a hold of any!
Do you have a link to the aussie speedo? I would kill for a pair