Busy day today – I think that late next week I’m going to get on the move.
I have no idea where or what my plans are but I’m sure they’ll develop. I have a bunch of options, I just don’t really know what I want. Well I know I want to be on the beach somewhere but that is a lot easier during the southern winter compared with the approaching northern winter.
If you guys have any ideas please feel free to leave a comment – I love reading comments.
Here are a couple of pics of what I’d like to be doing and surrounded by – these pics were posted on the Swimmer Sexuality forum – check it out – www.SwimmerSexuality.com
Indeed, that looks like a lot of fun–and, they seem to be water-polo players because both of them are wearing two speedos each! Hmm…double your pleasure?
Nice the suit… ARENA ? and obviusly… the boy
I have an idea, post some proper stories again
Evilotto – your wish is my command.
I’d love to get my hands on the guy in the pink speedos, he’s absolutely stunning. I’d love to give his little Asian ass a good old fashioned roding
It’s judo actually