6 thoughts on “Are these speedos too gay?

  1. With youth and those bodies on their side, they can wear anything they want to and get away with it…
    great post

  2. The one on Phelps looks horrible on him.

    You always struck me as a solids kind of guy. I’d stay away from those floral patterns.

  3. Starguy,

    I think you are on the money there mate – I’m more of a solids guy.

    My next speedo purchase though I’ll go outside the square and buy something a little ‘louder’.


  4. I think there comes a point with floral patterns like this which crosses over from the quasi-stylish gay look and the over-the-top, gaudy, must-be-colorblind look that is something that straight men do all the damn time. Take Mr. Phelps above, for example. I think he can get away with it because he has seven (or is it eight?) gold medals and is known to be straight. So, who knows, wearing something like that might get you pegged as straight! 😉

    Subtler patterns–stripes, things in no more than three colors, etc., are within my range of likes, but I tend to prefer solids or color-blocked/side-striped things myself.

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