Well I haven’t made it down to Sydney yet and I’m not sure I will.
Last night was one of those nights that was just going to be a quiet one at home. I was in the ocean until nearly sunset, had a little dinner, had a couple of scotches while watching a movie and then all of a sudden
There are 8 of us going to the local pub and I was pretty drunk. It ended up a great night – as the impromptu ones often do. Spoke to some pretty girls (if anyone knows a ‘Rachel’ who carries vodka in her handbag I was super impressed and I didn’t get a chance to get her number).
I danced a bunch and I don’t normally dance.
And to top it all off I got my hung over arse out of bed and went for a swim at the beach before 9am. I’m not sure how long I’m going to last but the cricket starts in under and hour and I’m holding out for that.
I don’t have any photos in particular to post today so I’ll post you one of my old favourites. This a speedo photo of the day – click here to see today’s speedo photo of the day.
I don’t comment on a lot of blog posts, but this photo just says something to me. The way his boner is stretching to escape the confines of his speedo’s says a lot for hotness of the guy causing him to be so turned on. Have followed your blog for a couple of years now and am always excited to see new entries in my google reader