6 thoughts on “Andreas Lundin

  1. Insipration indeed! He is awesome … and has insirped me to give myself a ‘workout’ right now.

  2. Drew,

    Thanks for that link mate – it was great reading about him on his blog.

    He is a Swede too – can you imagine the accent to go with that body? I wonder if he is gay or str8? From his blog it kinda feels like he is str8.


  3. Very nice! I’ve admired him for a while as well, so thanks for the info (and thanks, Drew, for the link!)!

  4. he is indeed straight

    he’s also a lovely and very sweet guy 🙂

    he work as a model and personal fitness trainer in sydney and is a bloody good trainer


  5. I just “found” him this weekend and can’t get him off my mind. You don’t have the hottest pic of him on your blog. It is of him in a blue Aussiebum brief that is so loaded with cock and balls that it is almost obscene d(Ho Ho) It is on his blog and click galleries. Have you seen it?

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