4 thoughts on “Again…. Huge weekend

  1. OMFG!!! thank god! i found your site again! tryed a billion times to find it last night and it told me that the page was unavailable and the adress was wrong,so i went onto google typed the adress in and it told me nothin matched.. AHH! so then i went into images and typed in “speeo fun” so the first thing to come up was a picture from your site so i was relieved but the stupid link wouldnt open! and since i read that one ofyour sites got shut down cause of copyright and yady yada.. i thought the same had happened! so now im really hapy to know ur still writting sexy stories 😀 and posting the most amazing pictures!

  2. dude,
    you are so full of shit…you never post ANY pics of you. All the pics you post are of some one else. You have been 24 for what now what since Christ was a child.

    PROVE us all wrong and post REAL pix of you and your real age.

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