4 thoughts on “Acceptable Speedos

  1. To me what’s acceptable is personal choice. Some like prints, some don’t. Solids may be more conservative, especially dark colors. Some guys look great in prints. However I have had some prints and loved wearing them and I also have solids in most colors and love wearing them too. I don’t see where it should be acceptable or otherwise when it’s all about personal choice.

  2. I’m with you there, Spear!

    Don’t have any problem with any of the speedos (or guys) here at all!

    Mind you, I’m not that taken my the matching swim cap! Perhaps a bit ‘over the top’ . . .

    While I mightn’t choose the flowery pink print being worn here . . . the hot guy filling out the speedo more than compensates!

  3. Glad someone agrees with me. I’ve had a flower print or two in the past. AT the time, those were popular in some parts of the country. But I still love some of the AB prints I have and wear them often.

  4. It would depend on the context, Dave. Some prints might be acceptable under certain circumstances; others, fuck no. Same with certain colors–you wouldn’t wear a white or pink speedo in most public pools, right? You might wear a light blue, though (but, depending on who makes it, it may end up being similar to a white one when wet, if it was light enough).

    As for “other matters,” I find Mr. Unacceptable above to be the most acceptable in terms of my preferred physical tastes, followed closely by Mr. Matching Outfit. (Now, if he had matching water socks to go with it, that might be going a bit too far…!?!)

    I think it would be funny, though, to turn up at a pool in, say, a plaid blazer and matching plaid trousers, to then take off one’s clothes and already be wearing a matching plaid speedo underneath it all, and just see if a few heads turn at the sight of it. There may be an assignment there in your future, Dave! 😉

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