5 thoughts on “A is for ANAL SEX

  1. Damn, Dave, what a hot story! Can’t wait to hear more. And what a fucking hot pic. That top guy with the incredible speedo tanline — damn, I want him!

  2. “B”… Easy… and you get choices!
    B is for buttfuck (here’s your chance w/ Will) or
    B is for blowjob or
    B is for Bukkake

  3. Archie,

    Bukkake is a great idea that I hadn’t thought of mate. Now all I have to do is think of the combination – I think I should get Henry involved in this one.

  4. Americans finally realize the try-before-you-buy works just as well with sex as it does with commodities. Rather than marrying and then shacking up with hot sex coming after the nuptuals, Americans are increasingly putting out before putting on the wedding rings.Women are just as likely as men to get it on before matrimony.
    I think this is just the sign of the times. I mean, we like to test things, try them out, before making a purchase. Why should sex and marriage be any different? The stigma associated with pre-marital sex is dead. Long live free love!

  5. James,

    I agree with you 100% mate!!!

    I heard about a study on CNN or MSNBC last week which compared late teenagers who had ‘declaired’ they wouldn’t have sex until marriage and a group that didn’t make any such claims.

    The results in short were that the same percentage of both groups actually had sex before marriage BUT the group that said they wouldn’t have sex before marriage had a 4x more likely change of catching an STD.

    I think that sticking you head in the sand is wrong – education is the way to go.


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