4 thoughts on “Snowy Speedos

  1. I love these. they will look so hot in the hot tub or when you are doing swim laps in Breck. Great choice.

  2. Good to hear from you Beer Doc, sorry about the comments being on and off for a little while.

    I spoke to Kip this morning and he said it has gone from summer to wintery in the last week.

    I can’t wait to get over there and into Kip’s speedos – 😉


  3. Let me know if you kids want to take a road trip up to this area–there may be some free gifts in it for you, as I outlined a while back! 😉

  4. Not that I want winter to arrive anytime soon, but if it brings you back to the states, we are better for it….just wish I could get you and Kip to visit northern Minnesota….and that suit, just my wintry style. You have good taste Dave!

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