With everything going on at the house here – Nikki gets home today and there are a million people staying at the house and in town – I haven’t been completely up to date with work but hopefully I’ll catch up some time soon.
The big news for me though is that the white lycra has been ordered by the manufacturer and the my speedo creation will begin production this week!!!
I’ve decided to brand them as DE Swimwear (DE for Dave Evans – kind of like CK for Calvin Klein).
I’d like to thank Bill for his logo suggestions – I’m terrible when it comes to creative artwork so if you guys have any suggestions please email them through or post them on WhiteSpeedos.com.
I love the use of the D and E that Bill has used below. One thing I do need to work out though is that the logo will be along the back of the speedo so I need one that is longer – although I might use one of these below as the logo and just write DESwimwear on the back.
I’m excited!!!