I might be missing the pool but I am loving the jacuzzi.
I’ve got some good snowboard gear and I’ve spent entire winters in the snow so I know how to keep myself warm. Saying that, there have been a couple of days when I’ve gotten home and I’ve been cold to the core.
Nothing a 1hr hottub – I mean jacuzzi (that is what the yanks call it) – can’t fix.
I don’t think there has been a day since I arrived that Kip and I haven’t spent at least an hour in the hottub. It might seem a waste of time but we have our first ‘adult beverage’ of the day in there, talk the entire time – a lot of talk about work, fuck, suck and warm up. We don’t watch too much TV so I’m going to argue that our hottub time is the same as someone else sitting down and watching TV for an hour.
If I ever get my own house in Australia, New Zealand or America – I will have a jacuzzi!!! You guys are all invited of course.
I have a hot tub in my back yard, beverages included.
They are very relaxing especially after exersizing.
And great for playtime.
That pic says it all !!