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  1. 1

    ten and cut

    hey dave, maybee you will get to have sex with techie as well. He will certainly know your game from helping with your site!

    good luck!


  2. 2

    Dave Evans


    I’m definitely not adverse to mixing work with pleasure…. but the techie is a techie.

    But I’ll keep it in mind mate and if anything happens you can be sure that you’ll hear about it here.

  3. 3


    Isn’t it great getting off with your roommate anytime you want? Being able to walk around naked and go for it whenever you want is the best. Do it in every room while you got the chance before the techie gets there.I agree with ten and cut maybe the techie can help you two with an adjustment down the front of your Speedos. Go for it Dave! Jeff@Indiana

  4. 4


    hey dave awesome that u got on with Will excellent how it happend – u sure cna pick em buddy….cheers tommo

  5. 5


    I just wish there were pix of Dave and you….

    On another note. You know that link to movies with the guys in the orange and blue bikinis kissing in front of lockers? Do you know if it came from a movie and, if so, what it’s name? I find them extremely hot.


  6. 6


    Your stories are incredible! I always look forward to them.
    I want to join your site but it won’t take my visa number.
    Not sure why, but I sure would like to become a member.
    What are my choices for paying?
    I can’t wait to here more about the fun you and your roomie has in the future.
    Ken Atlanta

  7. 7


    Hi DAVE,

    Really enjoyed the story about will. You certanily love those hot tubs have you tried the hot pools in new zealand sure makes your speedos stick in all the right places. dave.
    really enjoy this site you are doing a great job keep it up.
    All the best

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