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  1. 1


    so, you started writing this blog at 19?

  2. 2

    Dave Evans


    I actually started when I was 17. A friend of mine was running it and not doing anything with it and I took it on. I was told that he had been running the site from 2001.


  3. 3


    I’m not sure what to make of this post. For instance, it seems a bit strong to claim that you’d have _never_ heard of chlamydia if you weren’t sexually active.

    But underscoring that, it’s not clear what you mean by education and indoctrination. Indoctrination the way churches generally do it is bad, but it is a form of education.

    On the other hand, sex education in school can teach people about chlamydia just as well, if not better than, learning about it from a sexual partner (excluding, perhaps, the situation where your partner is in the medical industry).

    End result? You don’t have to be sexually active to be educated about chlamydia, let alone hear about it.

  4. 4


    well, i’ve heard of chlamydia from like health class in high school and even grade school (grade 7).
    but, im sure i didnt get the same education you did from your friend. 😛

  5. 5

    Dave Evans


    Thanks for your comment mate.

    You are right I didn’t make that point very clear. I suppose what I was trying to express was that I support sex education (in any form) and the more a person is educated about sex the better the choices they can make. What I feel is that the abstinence groups are perhaps not giving a full picture and introducing religion into the mix which I don’t agree with.


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