One of my long time members sent me through these photos that were taken of him a little while ago during a speedo bondage session with a pretty well known guy in Sydney.
It was a first for this member and while his love of speedos is long standing, he hadn’t had much experience with bondage at all and was excited to explore this with a bit of a master at speedo bondage.
Turns out that while the member enjoyed it, was super horny, felt like he was in a safe environment, he came away thinking that it isn’t really something that will be part of his regular routine. We spoke back and forward on email a bit discussing it and it was interesting, and insightful to hear his thoughts on it.
I suppose just because we have a fantasy, doesn’t always mean it will be as hot in person.
Thanks to this long time member for allowing me to share the photos of his session, it looks pretty hard hot to me.
Hey hot Pictures, like Speedobondage