I was horny as a cane toad yesterday – I masturbated 6 times I think.
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve mentioned that I don’t have a pair of red speedos these days – well that is about to change. Yesterday I ordered my first ever pair of Andrew Christian speedos and they are red.
I’m keen to see just how low cut these are. Might be something fun to wear when I get to have fun with the ‘couple’.
Dr. Phil
Oh, they’re low…
I have some of the Andrew Christian ones that aren’t (which are awesome), but I also have some of the others, and I don’t quite have the body to pull off the super low-rise ones at this stage. From the sounds of it, though, I’m sure you do!
Incidentally, I tried joining WhiteSpeedos again, and tried to have it re-send the confirmation e-mail, but it didn’t work. Any thoughts/suggestions on that?
Marcello and Enrico
Hey, we really like your website and we would like to exchange links with you! We have already added your site to our blog roll!
If you liked, please send me an email confirming the exchange. Thanks 🙂
Marcello and Enrico de Giuli