8 thoughts on “5 years of blogging

  1. I think i’ve only known about AussieSpeedoGuy for 2 years. But I like to pay you a visit every coupla days. Nice pics, interesting titbits about your life, hot bods.

    Good on you for your successes! Hope your continue to prosper.


    BTW — will use these pics on my blog and point my readers your way.

  2. Is that you opening a celebratory bottle of bubblies? If so, please move the bottle to the left or to the right so I can lick the mess off that very fine chest and move down~ 🙂


  3. I don’t know how long I’ve been following you, Dave, but thank all the gods for you and your blog! I love it, and visit often. Many congratulations, and may you have fifty more years of doin’ it up right with speedos and bisexuality for as far as the eyes can see!

    (And, I remember the days when I used to spurt like the guy in the photo above…only, you know, it wasn’t with champagne that I spurted!)

  4. Great work Dave. I’ve followed the blog almost from the start and love it, look forward to more hot guys to come (etc…)

  5. Great going — well done, Dave. Yours is the only male sex blog I know of in which our hero comes across as a real person with both thrills and setbacks in a readable way, and I just love it. Hawaii Tim is the only other I know of who comes close, and I hope he’s soon able to leave his current complications behind.

    You also confront the big issues in a way that fantasy bloggers don’t — not coming out to the mainstream world when you still want to go with girls, and allowing that the day could come when you may want to retire from speedo m4m heroics to regular family life.

    But by discreetly changing your lovers’ names, you make it possible to keep the story going where others fail. I’ve followed a couple of really well-written blogs wrily reflecting on the difficulties of the amorous life. However, it all goes wrong when they find meaningful love, because if they write with any accuracy of detail — and that’s what really brings it all alive — then interweb thrills are going to foul up their real lives. So they just stop.

    It’s just not in the nature of the activity that the story can go on forever. But the last five years have been unmissable, and if the next five prove to be as good, or even a bit better, then we’ll all have shared a thing of wonder — yes, that’s it, shown off to best advantage in speedo.

    It would be great if more commented, not least so that we could get more of the female perspective. I salute all other members of the what’s-in-Dave’s-speedo community — member of course being the operative word…

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