This week working on my line of DE Swimwear is on my list of things to do. It is moving forward although a little slower than I would like.
When I see photo shoots like the pics in this post it helps my motivation for sure in the hope that one day I’ll be able to organize shoots like this!!!
I’ll keep you guys posted on how the DE Swimwear stuff develops – hopefully I’ll be able to offer them by the end of May, just in time for the northern hemisphere summer.
This pic is from the same photo shoot as above, all the guys look sensational but I think the guy in the middle, wearing the red speedo looks the hottest…. maybe it is just the speedo though. What do you guys think?
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Yeah, gotta agree with you there, Dave. I like the guy second from left, too. Pity he’s wearing some pretty horrible stuff . . . a speedo on him would be awesome: something with narrow sides and a good basket area at the front to hold all his equipment!
They’re all not bad and quite nice, but my own personal tastes would go most toward the leftmost gentleman in that group–and he has good taste in swimsuit color choices, too! (Though it probably wasn’t his choice, but oh well…!?!)
second pic..why on knees??
Vasy, you guess why he is on his knees, would not you be if you were there. Look forward to chatting with on that chat line I told you about.
Think I agree on the guy in red – he looks a bit like he’s been asked a question and is just trying to make up his mind. Like, maybe, “you want to come over here in those speedos?”
He also looks more casual too, the shoulders and waist not quite level. Overall, a hunk that I wouldn’t mind meeting!