Rainy day here in Queensland (aka the Sunshine State) but that is OK because I have a bunch of work to do and I had a particularly big session in the pool yesterday and I’m a bit sore. Happy sore, but sore all the same.
Tonight I’m hosting The Landlord for the State of Origin (it is a football game between two states) so maybe tomorrow I’ll be a little sore from something else… hehe.
While I spend the day writing about what we got up to with the Married Guy I thought I’d share with you guys one of the hottest speedo selfies I’ve ever seen.
Some are some random selfies from the archive, some have been sent to me by fans, some are members of this site and there might even be some of me snuck in there.
Please feel free to email me your own speedo selfies….. DaveEvans@SpeedoFetish.com
Some HOT suits and bods there!
Second one is definetly the selfie. Recognize this pecs anywhere
The one marked Black 14