Another Favourite – ADIDAS 3-Stripe

My last blog post was speedo selfies of me wearing my AussieBum Portseas which are a long time favourite speedo of mine.

Another long time favourite is the ADIDAS 3-stripe.  I don’t know what it is about these speedos but I’ve had at least one pair of these in my speedo collection for years and while they have been involed in lots of naughty experiences…. they are more of my work horse when wearing them for more practical uses.

The fit on them seems to suit my body, they aren’t too naughty for wearing in very public places and the lycra material they are made of is really nice.

Would love to hear what your favourite speedos are… leave a comment below (you don’t have to leave your email address if you don’t want to).

I don’t look as good as this guy but click here to see selfies of me in my ADIDAS 3-stripe speedos.

ADIDAS SpeedosADIDAS Lycra Swim BriefHorny Lycra ADIDAS Swimwear

3 Users Responded in " Another Favourite – ADIDAS 3-Stripe "

phltanner said,  

My favorites, thanks to Speedoforum, for several years now, are AB WJ loose Whitehaven & your Portseas, although I also like the Freshwater & Club Noosa’s (basically all the traditional AB’s). By the end of the summer season, I’m in my small Whitehavens swimming laps at my neighborhood pool! I get appreciative looks at the pool shower! But at hotel pools I crash, I’ve worn all the AB’s, including ice blue & WHITE!.

Also have several n2N’s I like: Catalina Sports, Tempest mandarin & Prism sport. had a fun pool/hottub time with a young mother in that Prism suit!!!

phltanner said,  

PS: unfortunately, all those suit styles I mention are now sadly discontinued 🙁

phltanner said,  

Just wanted to add that my cock gets outta my speedo like that sometimes too!!

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